
Leave a Gift for Blyth Star in your Will

If you’d like support the work Blyth Star Enterprises does by leaving us a gift in your will, there are three ways you can do this:

•    A specific sum of money (pecuniary legacy)
•    A specific item
•    A share of your estate (residuary legacy)

When drawing up your will, you’ll most likely require the assistance of a solicitor. To leave a gift for Blyth Star Enterprises you should ask them to include one of the following suggested texts:

For a specific sum of money:

I give to Blyth Star Enterprises, The Old Chandlery, 30 Ridley Street, Blyth, Northumberland, NE24 3AG, Registered Charity Number 519443, absolutely, the sum (amount in figures, amount in words) to be applied by Blyth Star Enterprises for its charitable purposes, and I further direct that the receipt of the Chief Executive or any other proper officer of Blyth Star Enterprises for the time being shall be sufficient discharge to my executors.

For a specific item:

I give to Blyth Star Enterprises, The Old Chandlery, 30 Ridley Street, Blyth, Northumberland, NE24 3AG, Registered Charity Number 519443, absolutely, (write in here whatever you wish to give) to be applied by Blyth Star Enterprises for its charitable purposes, and I further direct that the receipt of the Chief Executive or any other proper officer of Blyth Star Enterprises for the time being shall be sufficient discharge to my executors.

For a share of your estate:

I give all/a share of (please state fraction/percentage) of the residue of my estate absolutely to Blyth Star Enterprises, The Old Chandlery, 30 Ridley Street, Blyth, Northumberland, NE24 3AG, Registered Charity Number 519443, to be applied by Blyth Star Enterprises for its charitable purposes, and I further direct that the receipt of the Chief Executive or any other proper officer of Blyth Star Enterprises for the time being shall be sufficient discharge to my executors.

If you have any questions regarding this matter, please don't hesitate to contact us:

01670 338 500